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Recibido: 12/01/2022
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Influence of organizational behavior in the accomplishment of oil & gas industry objectives
Cecilia Garcia
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Alberta, Canadá
cecilia.garcia@edu.sait.caViviana Pena
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Alberta, Canadá
vivianastella.penamorales@edu.sait.caBethany Whelan
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Alberta, Canadá
This article aims to examine, through an analysis, the Influence of organizational behavior in the accomplishment of Oil & Gas industry objectives, to this end, the research was guided by a postpositivist, qualitative, documentary approach, with bibliographic design, including literary review to know the state of the art of the categories studied, as well as the collection of information obtained from Nelson, Quick., Armstrong, Roubecas, Condie (2019), Liew (2022), Randstad (2018), Thomas (2021) and Yedlin (2017). The findings demonstrate that the Oil and Gas industry is highly influenced by organizational behavior, and the way in which human resources are managed has a high impact on the achievement of the goals and objectives of the companies in the industry. Evidence was found of how the creation of interdisciplinary and effective work groups create synergy when promoting projects, where different factors that may have an impact on their stakeholders are considered. As a result of the daily work with these teams, it is natural that conflicts and negotiations arise, therefore the leaders of the organization must have tools to manage them effectively, where employees feel heard and the company can continue to comply with its objectives.
Key words: Organizational Behaviour, accomplishment, Oil and Gas industry.INTRODUCTION
The oil and gas industry in Alberta create thousands of jobs in exploration, production, refining, and distribution. Alberta’s technologies and services are in demand all over the world. They generate billions of dollars in revenues that help fund programs and services which sustain and improve the high quality of life in Alberta (Alberta, n.d).
Cenovus Energy (CV) is one of the biggest Canadian-based integrated energy company located in Calgary, Alberta. (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). CV’s purpose is to provide energy while improving their technological and safety methods and being more resource/cost-efficient by taking into consideration social, and environmental actions that increase the value of their assets and business plans. CV actions are in accordance with Canada’s government and where their businesses take place, to make people’s lives better.
CV operations are present in Canada, the United States, and the Asia Pacific region. (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). Their operations include oil sands projects in northern Alberta, thermal and conventional crude oil and natural gas projects across Western Canada, crude oil production offshore Newfoundland and Labrador and natural gas and liquids production offshore China and Indonesia (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). Cenovus’s downstream operations include upgrading, refining, and marketing operations (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).
CV is listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchange under the symbol CE (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). The team chose Cenovus Energy as it is a well-respected local Canadian company that is headquartered in Calgary with a total number of employees in 2020 of 2,413 (Zacks Investment Research, 2022). According to Yahoo Finance, Cenovus Energy had a stellar year in 2021 and is set on target to have a repeat of last year's performance for 2022 (Liew, 2022). For example, Cenovus Energy Inc revenue for the twelve months ending September 30, 2021, was $28.525B, a 160.72% increase year-over-year (Zacks Investment Research, 2022).Methodology
The research that originated this article was directed with postpositivist method, qualitative approach, documentary and bibliographical design, understanding the literary review, the information as well as the identification and categorization of objectives. Different sources were explored, such as books, scientific articles, databases that brought together scientific journals, repositories, through which relevant information was compiled, working documentary observation with the matrix analysis of the categories, by means of a comparative critical review.
Pelekais et al., (2015), for whom speaking of documentary research refers to a study that demand for its development of a pre-existing condition have selected a topic in specific that needs to expand, for it to be done, it must have been defined and sufficiently justified for the purpose of exploring the reality of what is investigating in the sources consulted, also concern the need for accuracy, clarity, as well as the level of synthesis which must meet, so realized approach demonstrates relevance and total correspondence with what was analyzed. In this way, it is possible to respond to the objectives or purposes raised at the beginning.Groups and Teams
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
All businesses will face problems and challenges when working in teams. Although many problems can arise there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider when working in teams. Usually when a company works in teams it will increase productivity, allow them to efficiently solve problems, and implement solutions effectively. (Nelson et al, 2019). Although this is not always the case because there are often significant issues when forming and maintaining these teams resulting in process losses when group performance is weak. Cenovus is known for their great leadership team to execute plans and business value. Ramirez et al. (2021).
An example of a team that Cenovus used was the recent merger with Huskey energy. Cenovus and Huskey are combining to implement plans of being the 3rd largest crude oil and natural gas producer and the ongoing commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). Although the two companies will work strongly together to improve their business there’s always risk factors to create disadvantages to teamwork. Some specific risk factors include the ability for Cenovus and Huskey to amalgamate. This could also cause the focus of management’s attention and time to be distracted when it should be spent on the ongoing productions with the company. There is also the risk of maintaining relationships between partners to successfully manage and operate the integrated businesses. (Cenovus Energy). The main problem with the merger of Cenovus and Huskey as a team is the ability to amalgamate, but with time it will not remain an issue to the team.
Cenovus would rather team with Huskey opposed than taking on this task themselves because of the advantages of combined knowledge and assets each team offers to successfully implement their goals. A reason Cenovus and Huskey would work as a team is that they often benefit the organization by providing different point of views which can provide a variety of decision alternatives that may have not been achieved by just an individual, which is referred to as process gain. (Nelson et al, 2019). Another reason would be that these teams can encourage employee satisfaction and engagement which results in better work ethic and positively impacting the company. This allows workers to have a sense of who they are leading to greater individual motivation and productivity. Not only does this positively impact the company but also workers as individuals who are fulfilling their social identity within the company based on how they fit into the team. (Nelson et al, 2019).Group Behaviour and Effectiveness
Group behavior and effectiveness consists of factors that influence how groups form and how successful they are at developing and performing. Studies have shown that there are two main factors that significantly impact the success of these groups which are norms of behavior and group cohesion. (Nelson et al, 2019). Norms of Behavior is defined in Nelson et al (2019) as the understood standards of behavior within a group. While group cohesion is defined as the “interpersonal glue” that enables a group to have effective control over its members in relation to its behavioral norms, to stick together in cohesion. (Nelson et al, 2019).
A difficulty the Cenovus and Huskey team may experience when trying to solve the problems of amalgamating is group cohesion. When entering a new team, it may be difficult to learn coworkers' structures, organization tactics and thought processes to be able to unite and work as a cohesive team while understanding each other’s norms.
A suggestion for Cenovus to address and overcome the issue and enhance the team effectiveness while promoting positive group behavior is to increase task autonomy giving the group their freedom to make decisions and allows each worker to work independently while still maintaining cohesive group decisions. Doing this allows the team to develop a sense of responsibility and independence, making them feel successful and allowing them to show their work values to coworkers when completing tasks. This impacts the team positively by giving coworkers a chance to grasp the different work styles of each member to adapt as a team. This will help with the development of group cohesion by establishing each other’s behavioral norms. (Nelson et al, 2019). Task autonomy has been shown to lead to group cohesiveness and overall, better performance. (Nelson et al, 2019). By having enhanced member satisfaction and cohesion the group is more likely to promote positive group behavior. Cenovus’s leadership team has done a respectable job of incorporating group cohesiveness by establishing a broad range of leadership roles creating a sustainable leadership team. (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).Conflict and Negotiation
The Nature of Conflicts in Organizations
When two or more parties do not see eye to eye on a matter, goal, or way forward, then there is disagreement. Businesses are faced with this very issue every day. CV is no stranger to this. In late 2020, Cenovus energy entered into agreements with Huskey Energy to buy Husky Energy. By the first quarter of 2021, the transaction was complete (Husky, Cenovus shareholders approve $4.78B merger deal to create Canada's third largest energy producer, 2020). According to CTV News Calgary, the deal would see CV increase production to 660,00 barrels of oil a day and would also have a cost savings of $1.2 billion a year (Thomas, 2021). Although this merger was well received by shareholders, it was a very different sentiment among staff from both companies. This merger was expected to result in 20 to 25 percent of employees and contractors being laid off. This would amount to nearly 2,000 positions being eliminated. The first round of layoffs took place at the end of January 2021. The second round was to take place within a few weeks. As one can imagine this left staff vulnerable and open to hostility and conflict in a race to show one’s value within the separate teams in an effort to save one’s employment.
Sources of Conflicts in Organizations
Task Conflict
The first source of conflict the employees of CV were faced with was task conflict. Task conflict is an issue within an organization when the employees within opposing teams have a different understanding of the organization's policies and way of doing the job at hand. With the merger came some duplication of teams and employee roles from both companies. This was a catalyst to create a competing team environment within the different teams in the company in an effort to establish a justification to eliminate one staff member over the other and secure one’s team and employment. Therefore, we can see how this merger created a fight for survival mentality within the duplicate teams at CV.
Relationship Conflict
The second source of conflict the employees of CV faced was relationship conflict. The nature of relationship conflict is more aligned with a personal matter versus a work matter. For CV, the merger brought two different companies with different work cultures, personalities, and personal existing relationships, and amalgamated them into one. Now employees must find a new path forward and collaborate with new team members that may have had their own personal relationships and personality differences impinging their collaboration skills. To complicate matters more was the round of layoffs. It created a difficult situation because if your team member, whom you had worked with for five years, was laid off and now you were left working with an individual whom you didn’t get along with from the beginning, it would cause friction. This could lead to interrupted team productivity, low performance, and efficiency within the remaining team. (De Pelekais & El Kadi 2019).
Phases of Conflict
In the latent phase, conflict has the potential to occur, however, it has not taken place. CV entered the latent phase when they started negotiations to complete a merger with Husky Energy. The potential for conflict was there as the deal would result in taking two existing companies and various teams and merging them into one.
In the perceived phase, there is a spark event that brings the conflict to the surface. This phase took place for CV when they closed the deal and proceeded to start planning on a path forward with the additional staff that was acquired through the merger with Husky Energy.
The manifest phase is considered to be the conflict stage. This phase took place when CV announced that they would be reducing the labor force by 20 to 25 percent.
The aftermath phase takes place when the parties involved can find a resolution and resolve the matter at hand. This is the best outcome; however, it is important to point out that in some cases, this stage is not achieved. For CV, this phase was achieved after the final rounds of layoffs were announced and completed. At this stage, the remaining staff were advised of the way forward for the company and only then could they start to work together within their new teams.
Conflict Management Technique
Improving Communication
One conflict management technique the company used to deal with the resulting effects of the merger was improved communication. Improving communication between the parties involved goes a long way. This approach allows the parties involved the chance to come to the table and work together to find common ground, build trust and possibly a resolution to the matter. This technique also assists in reducing unnecessary gossip. For CV, this technique worked to create transparency within the organization. It allowed CV to be honest with staff among the various duplicate teams about the challenging situation the company was faced with. Even though uncertainty was not eliminated, open communication allowed for clear expectations to be set and aided in diminishing speculation and setting a way forward for the remaining staff members.
Improving communication is always an effective conflict management technique. It allows both parties to come to the table and find common ground. When a company is facing massive job layoffs, having improved communication along the way is essential in aiding the company to stay transparent with the affected employees, the remaining employees, and the shareholders. It is a difficult situation to be in, however, when one eliminates unnecessary uncertainty, it opens the channels of communication for the existing team members to move forward and learn to collaborate and work efficiently and effectively as a united front within their new teams.Power and Political Behaviour
Sources and Bases of Power in Organizations & Using and Abusing Power in Organizations
Power is the ability to influence the behavior of other people, as well as the outcome of events, and is present in many organizational leaders. In the case of Cenovus, its main leader, Alex Pourbaix, President & CEO, demonstrates legitimate power, based on his hierarchical position which gives him the authority to request certain behaviors from others (Nelson et al, 2019). For example, he has the power to determine and inform his team, which is described in Figure 5, of the goals that are going to be achieved by the company in the next period and then indicate the way he wants to receive a monthly achievement report.
On the other hand, as a personal base of power the Cenovus leader demonstrates Expert Power, based on his specialized knowledge and his background in the Energy industry, this kind of power has allowed him to participate in some conferences such as the CERAWeek 2022, the world’s premier energy conference, where he performed as a speaker.
To support the Cenovus leader's power, the company is using some influence tactics to achieve the company's objectives. For example, in the CEO role, sometimes the legitimating tactic is used to reinforce the importance of some politics and rules when it is communicated to their employees. However, most of the time the company applies the consultation tactic, asking others for their input or assistance in influencing another group (Nelson et al, 2019). This kind of tactic is helpful in project management, where cross-functional projects are developed. Even in the Cenovus Energy 2021 Annual Report, the CEO said “We also consulted with internal and external stakeholders to determine new ESG focus areas for the company and announced ambitious and achievable targets for each” which evidenced the use of this tactic (Cenovus Energy Inc, 2022).
According to descriptions of the Cenovus Energy President and CEO, Alex Pourbaix, he seems to be categorized in different leadership theories as they are not mutually exclusive. Some theories will be explained and related to his leadership style in the following paragraphs.
Trait Theory
Trait theories attempted to identify and measure those distinguishing qualities and characteristics by focusing on physical attributes, personality characteristics, and abilities that distinguished leaders from other members of a group which are listed in the Figure 1 below (Nelson et al., 2019):
Figure 1. Trait Theory
Adapted from Nelson D., Quick J., Armstrong A., Roubecas C., Condie J. (2019). ORGB (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning.Cenovus board has put its confidence in someone who is widely viewed as a smart, strong leader, an unconventional thinker, a mature, adaptable and confident outsider with the necessary credibility based on his almost 30 years of career, someone who has physical presence and experience as he understands regulatory complexity and stakeholder relations, his energy and brightness can build consensus within an organization and is an excellent communicator, Alex is very familiar with large, complex and controversial projects; and more important, say those who know him, is his spirit and conviction to inspire those who work with and for him (Yedlin, 2017).
He also belongs to a unique oil and gas club that is not very extensive; Pourbaix whether dealing with sell-side analysts or, conferences or anti-pipeline opponents, he always knows how to provide measured, clear and earnest responses related to environment, stakeholder or government issues since he headed his old CEO position at TransCanada (Yedlin, 2017).Behavioural and Contingency Theory
Behavioural theories attempt to identify the actions that leaders used to achieve results where people can learn to become leaders and can improve their leadership skills by improving or changing their behaviours (Nelson et al, 2019).
According to the Ohio State studies and the University of Michigan studies, researchers identified two critical characteristics of effective leaders: task-oriented behaviours (Initiating structure or production-oriented) and people-oriented behaviours (Consideration or employee-oriented) (Nelson et al, 2019). But this is complemented with Contingency Theories, that harmonizing, no leadership style is best in all situations (Nelson et al, 2019). Instead, leadership outcomes may be more successful if combination of traits and behaviours in relation to situational contingencies: including the leader’s preferred style, the capabilities and behaviours of the followers, and aspects of the situation (Nelson et al, 2019).
Pourbaix was being responsible for the profitability and growth of TransCanada’s commercial businesses, spanning leadership of major commercial initiatives such as the development of the company’s power and oil pipeline businesses and responsibility for all the company’s operations, development and construction with corporate strategy, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, trading and marketing, and stakeholder relations, CV said (Cattaneo, 2017) and (Buitrago & El Kadi 2019).
All this background allowed Alex to give a mix of task structure strategies which describes how well group tasks are clearly defined, clarity and number of rules, regulations, and procedures such as Corporate Guidance, Key governance documents, Amalgamation documents, Mandates and guidelines, Management's Discussion and Analysis documents, Supplemental Information, Cenovus Operations Integrity Management System, Safety Operations Risk documents from this specific committee, robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) materiality assessment, among others to get the work done; his legitimate authority as new CV president and CEO defined his position of power to evaluate and reward performance, punish errors, and demote group members. And finally, to people-orientation, his leader–member relations where the degree of trust, respect, and confidence that exists between the leader and the subordinates are reflected in letting his employees do what they do the best: Wahidat Mawji: Integrating data analytics to improve workplace safety, Leora Hornstein: Promoting holistic health and well-being, Kerri Rudnicki: Reinforcing a sense of belonging in the workplace, Karo Afiegbe: Capturing carbon and identifying innovation, putting learning into practice: Fuel student Tanner Barnes, etc. which give him the control of the group and in consequence, favoring the situation to ensure that his demands are carried out (Nelson et al, 2019).
“Given the quality of its assets and people, I believe there is an excellent opportunity to create significant value and realize the full potential of this great Canadian company. I look forward to working with the Cenovus team to deliver on the near-term commitment to reduce debt while continuing to focus on maximizing the value of the oil sands and Deep Basin assets, with the goal of increasing shareholder returns.” -Pourbaix stated (Cattaneo, 2017) which summarized all his new challenges as leader of Cenovus Energy.Followership
Followers play a critical and important role within the firm, because ultimately, it is the followers, their behaviour, and their work that either establishes a leader’s success or rejects their efforts to lead (Nelson et al, 2019).
As companies move toward empowerment and as they embrace self-directed work teams, the follower role can be seen as one of self-leadership where effective followers are the desirable employees every organization wants to have as they are not only technically capable, but also comply with orders and requests, act appropriately when not being directly supervised, they are self-aware, they seek improvement, they accept responsibility for their actions, are active, responsible, and autonomous in their behaviour and critical in their thinking without being insubordinate or disrespectful; in essence, they are highly engaged at work. (Nelson et al, 2019).
As suggested by Nelson et al (2019) shown in Figure 2, followers can be categorized in two dimensions: (1) activity versus passivity, and (2) independent, critical thinking versus dependent, uncritical thinking. Below are some details about this categorization and their characteristics:
- Alienated followers think independently and critically yet are very passive in their behaviour.
- Sheep are followers who do not think independently or critically and are passive in their behaviour.
- Yes people are followers who also do not think independently or critically yet are very active in their behaviour.
- Survivors are the least disruptive and the lowest-risk followers in an organization.
- And finally, effective followers are the most valuable to a leader and an organization because of their active contributions which are the type of followers that most likely make up the executive, board of directors, or management team within the Cenovus Energy Company.
Figure 2. Five Types of Followers
Nelson D., Quick J., Armstrong A., Roubecas C., Condie J. (2019). ORGB (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning.There are four essential qualities that characterized the effective followers that CV has:
- They are self-management and self-responsibility which means that the leader can delegate activities and expect goal achievement without undue anxiety about the outcome, for example, in 2015, CV partnered with Svante, a Vancouver-based clean-tech startup company, to test its CO2 capture technology. The bench-scale trial was successful, demonstrating the technology could work in field conditions, and in 2019 a 10,000 tonne per year system was commissioned as the second phase of the project. The amount of CO2 the system captures in a year is equivalent to the emissions from about 2,000 passenger vehicles.
“It has been such a journey,” says Curtis Cymbaluk, Manager of Cenovus’s Surface & GHG Reduction Technology team. “When we first partnered with Svante, they had a small model the size of a five-gallon pail. Our collaboration has resulted in the construction of a successful demonstration unit that could possibly play a big role in our future emissions reductions.” (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).
- They are committed both to the organization and a purpose, principle, or person outside themselves, like Michael Cody, Environmental Specialist at Cenovus Energy leads a Calgary-based team that provides regulatory and environmental expertise on topics like soil remediation and land ecosystems. He also provides guidance in his area of specialization — forest disturbance and restoration, biodiversity and their Caribou Habitat Restoration Project. At Cenovus, Michael has always been encouraged to use innovation and technology to reduce environmental risk and believes this is the reason Cenovus has been able to lead progressive change in the area of biodiversity (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).
- Invest in their own competence and professionalism and focus their energy for maximum impact to add to their talents or abilities: Since 2017, their optimization engineers have been working to implement and improve technology at their oil sands operations (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).
“The successes we have seen are the result of ongoing collaboration between multiple groups from across the organization who have taken ideas from the drawing board to implementation within our oil sands facilities,” says Nayyar. “Automation systems are driving our business and industry forward, and we will continue to optimize their potential.” (Cenovus Energy, n.d.).
- They are courageous, honest, and credible.
Important Concepts in Leadership
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand and control our own emotions and to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. Individuals who have higher EI can be better leaders than the ones with lower EI. These types of people are in knowledge of their emotions and can control them in a positive way. For successful leaders, EI is one of the most requires aspects in an organization, because it is interrelated with the “soft” or “people skills”. They can interact with others, creating bonds and relationships, building a pleasant work environment. People with high EI are seen by others as role models and leaders. They can influence people to get the best of them and to achieve common goals.
The awareness of other´s emotions help them understand people needs and their motivations. Good leaders with high EI can empower people and enable them to contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives. Leaders set long-term goals, and challenges the status quo, which moves organizations to the future (Nelson et al, 2019).
In the modern world there are many cases of the most successful and most popular CEOs who are changing the way to relate to employees and customers. Social media is a good tool for creating human connections and building trust. (Paz et al. 2017).
With Twitter, Facebook posts and Podcasts CV shares information and messages from the CEO, Alex Pourbaix using this tool as a communication channel and a way to create human relations between the CEO and the CV employees and customers.
In CV official website there is also an Open Letter to Canadians signed by CV CEO, the President of Canadian Natural Resources Limited and the President & CEO of MEG Energy, about how the energy sector and the company is addressing the global climate change challenge while working to strengthen the economy. This open letter to all Canadian population is a good example of the leaders of the companies are creating transparent relations, giving clear messages, showing themselves accountable for the organization decisions in a need to look more human and vulnerable to the people in and out of the company. El Kadi & Antunez (2017).Organizational Culture
Levels of Organizational Culture
Artifacts are the visible expressions of a culture and include the way people behave; stories; rituals; and symbols, which can include everything from people dress to physical attributes (Nelson et al, 2019).
As an example of an artefact, in CV official website in the “our history” section there is published a story about how the company was created and started in 2009. In this case it reflects the work ethic of the organization and its founders. These types of stories are the most effective ones to demonstrate the company values and motivate their employees.Values
The spoused values are written or vocalized beliefs about the nature of the relationship between members and or between the organization and its community (Nelson et al, 2019). In CV official website the organizational values are clear and visible for anyone to read.
CV spoused values are:
- Protect what matters.
Safety will always be our top value. We care about each other, our communities and the environment.- Do it right.
Accountability is vital and how we achieve results makes a difference. We listen, respect and value diversity. We are transparent and act with integrity.- Make it better.
Performance matters and we always look for opportunities to improve. We make decisions with a sense of urgency and pivot to meet changing needs. We don’t shy away from hard work or difficult conversations.- Do it together.
We are one team. Together we win, grow and celebrate. We’re determined to be successful through inclusivity, trust and empowerment.Assumptions
Assumptions are defined as “Deeply held beliefs that guide behavior and tell members of an organization how to perceive and think about things.” (Nelson et al, 2019). The CV official website states many assumptions in the company. An example of one of these assumptions within the company is Cenovus’s ability to deliver safe and reliable operations and to demonstrate strong governance. (Cenovus Energy, n.d.). This assumption is a guided behavior learned within the company that the company stands by to create the best outcome and safety of their own employees. By sticking to their beliefs, they are ensuring a very structured and organized company and their behavior will prove this with their success.
Espoused value is what the members of the organization say they value, whereas enacted values are the values that are reflected based on the way individuals behave. (Nelson et al, 2019). An example of a difference between these values at CV comes down to the espoused values being how it conducts business; versus the enacted values as a reflection the employees of the company give based on their work. An example is CV’s value statement: “Values being to protect what matters, do it right, make it better, and do it together.” CV stands by most of these values though they do lack doing it together. They have a strong team of leaders but tend to lack basic teamwork within the company, even though they state “We are one team. Together we win, grow, and celebrate.” (Cenovus Energy, 2019). The enacted values of the employees do not prove this with any sound evidence, even though they state that strong teamwork is one of the most valued aspects within the company.How Culture is Started, Shaped and Reinforced
Based on the leader Alex Pourbaix’s actions within the company I believe working for the company would be very successful. Alex is described as having a very structured personality and is very experienced in leadership, allowing him to use his strengths to help guide his coworkers, he is charismatic and is very passionate about safety. If anyone was to work under him, I believe they would be set up in a structured and supportive environment, enabling their success.
The first example of this is Wahidat Mawji, a health and safety analyst at CV. She has moved up within the company since her start date in 2010 and states that she is motivated by the teamwork and the safety foundation within the company. (Cenovus Energy, 2019). This proves that there is room for growth within the company, they value teamwork and safety making it a good workplace.
The second example is Kerri Rudnicki, manager of engagement and inclusion at CV. She works to build a culture within CV so that everyone can feel accepted within the company. She states that other employees have expressed that these actions have made them feel comfortable and empowered in the workplace, which ultimately allows staff to enjoy going to work and strive to reach their full potential. (Cenovus Energy, 2019).Design Dimensions
Basic Structures
Cenovus has an organizational structure headed by its President & Chief Executive Officer, Alex Pourbaix. The company's leaders are in charge of guiding and prioritizing the company's plans and continuing to increase value for stakeholders.
The following diagram reflects the organizational structure of Cenovus, which aims to know the lines of authority and responsibility and the formal systems of communication, coordination and integration.
The organizational structure of Cenovus is a Matrix Structure, which are dual-authority structures that combine functional and divisional approaches (Nelson et al, 2019). The company has Executives in charge of functional areas such as People Services, Corporate & Operations Services, Financial Officer, and divisional approaches as Thermal, Major Projects & Offshore, Natural Gas & Technical Services, Downstream.
For the development of this structure, different dimensions were considered, which define the characteristics of the organization. These are Formalization, Centralization and Specialization.
- Formalization: The role of employees is defined through procedures, job descriptions and manuals. In the following table is a brief summary of the main responsibilities of the Cenovus executives.
Figure 3: Main Responsibilities Cenovus' Staff
Cenovus Energy. (n.d.). [Main Responsibilities Cenovus' Staff] [Online image].
- Centralization: All decisions are made by the directors of Cenovus, and on some occasions the Directors must intervene, whose description is shown below:
- Specialization: The organization's level of specialization is defined in the formal job description. In addition, the organizational structure reflects the specialization required in each position, defining the different functional and strategic areas of the company, in terms of functions and customers or market segments.
As a conclusion of this investigation, it was found that the Oil and Gas industry is highly influenced by organizational behavior, and the way in which human resources are managed has a high impact on the achievement of the goals and objectives of the companies in the industry.
Evidence was found of how the creation of interdisciplinary and effective work groups create synergy when promoting projects, where different factors that may have an impact on their stakeholders are considered. As a result of the daily work with these teams, it is natural that conflicts and negotiations arise, therefore the leaders of the organization must have tools to manage them effectively, where employees feel heard and the company can continue to comply with its objectives.
It was also observed how the organizational climate is influenced by the power exercised by the leaders of the organization, which can have a high impact on the behavior of people, who can see them as an authority or as a reference. It is vital that leaders exercise effective leadership, that motivates and drives work teams to generate behaviors of group synergy.
The commitment of the industry must be oriented towards staying update and searching for tools that allow for the adequate management of the most important resource of organizations, people.REFERENCES
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Revista Global Negotium
Vol. 5 No. 2 / Páginas [45- 65]
ISSN 2642 -4800
Mayo - Agosto 202210422 NW 31st Terrace Doral FL 33172.
Teléfono: 1 (800) 341.6744