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Recibido: 21/02/2022
Aceptado: 28/02/2022
Classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting human talent
Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina
Universidad de la Costa Carlos Páez Puerta
Universidad de la Costa Valentina Vera Arenas
Universidad de la Costa El Kadi
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Canadá
The research seeks to determine the classification of competencies according to their difficulty in detecting human talent at the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil - Santander. With a quantitative method, descriptive type, field design, cross-sectional and non-experimental, using twelve 12 subjects as observation units. The survey technique was used, and a 15-item structured questionnaire was used as an instrument, validated by the judgment of five (5) experts, with a reliability of (0.82) according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, being highly reliable. Data analysis was performed by coding and tabulation, with the IBM SPSS Statistics V.22 program. The results show that the total arithmetic mean is 3.99 percentage points, reflecting the sum of trends 74% positive, 19% neutral and 7% negative, categorizing the variable as present in the human management model by competencies of the object of study. It is concluded that these findings present a positive trend in human talent processes, stimulating the participation of collaborators to integrate into the organization's strategies and optimize the resources in the jobs, given by the specific competencies of the collaborators.
Key words: classification of competencies, difficulty of detecting human talent, competencies, human talent, human talent competencies.INTRODUCTION
Society goes through phenomena that arise over time in the environment, positively and negatively impacting the human being, generating a perspective on this front situations in a way that allows it to have a modern panorama and thinking about the problem with solutions based on it today. A key factor is the capabilities that are developed from resources, allowing companies to achieve competitive advantages and differential skills in their human capital. It is necessary in a competitive environment to take into account these advantages, which generate evolution in organizational capabilities (Ríos, Ramírez, Villalobos, Ruiz and Ramos, 2019).
In this way we begin to talk about human management by competence and its classification, considering the intangible value that talent has as its knowledge, skills and abilities, capable of articulating with the principles, philosophy and strategies of an organization, for the consolidation of results. Research such as those of Ramírez, Chacón and El Kadi (2018), Annía, Villalobos, Ramírez and Ramos (2019), Ramírez, Espindola, Ruíz and Hugueth (2019), Martínez and El Kadi (2018) and Ramírez, Lay and Sukier (2020), have studied in different ways perspectives of the dimensions that involve the area of human resources highlighting the importance within the theoretical framework and its social impact, economic and environmental, in this new era of the industrial revolution.
Considering these appreciations, the strategic management of human talent has currently been responsible for selecting personnel, with characteristics that adapt to the needs of the real sector, in order to avoid error costs, in search of competitiveness. For Ríos, Crissien, Ramírez, Villalobos, Lay and Ramos (2020), the term competitiveness is related to the variable capacity, that is, the way to be able to generate greater value using fewer resources and elements, highlighting differentiating attributes before the competition. With reference to what Paz et al. (2017) said, in organizations belonging to the hotel sector, it is necessary to carry out action plans with innovative strategies to adapt to an innovative human management model, prioritizing new talents with differentiating skills, for the generation of value.
The phlegmatic adaptation of the human being to the changes and needs to situations presented in the environment have negatively affected the human management by competences, this problem could be happening in the collaborators of the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality San Gil, of the Department of Santander - Colombia. Through conversations with the general manager, it was possible to identify difficulties in the management of human talent by competencies, making known weaknesses that affect the application and development of this management model, in this sense, the productivity and competitiveness of the hotel in the sector, resulting in demotivation of human talent to train, develop and reinvent themselves, limiting their responsiveness according to the requirements of the organizations. Buitrago and El Kadi (2019). For this reason, the research determines the classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting the human talent of the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina del Municipio San Gil – Santander, based on the documentary review of contributions of disciplinary, classic and current research.
When determining the classification of competencies according to their difficulty in detecting human talent, it will be possible to inquire about the (1) control, identifying the necessary competencies of human capital, (2) integration of personnel considering competencies as a resource for the common good of the organization, (3) correct contribution to the integral development of people and (4) ease for correct decision-making in an objective manner and with homogeneous criteria, positively impacting the structure of the company. Given these considerations, the following question is asked: What is the classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting human talent at the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina in the Municipality of San Gil – Santander?State of the art
Over the years, skills have been an important factor within organizations and for each of the collaborators that belong to it, therefore, it is essential that more companies contemplate the development and evolution of competencies in human talent that allow facing challenges and tasks thanks to correct decision making. The Kadi (2020). For Montañez (2020), competencies are the set of characteristics and aptitudes that allow the person to achieve objectives and goals efficiently. Pidello and Pozo (2015), define competence as effective intervention in different areas of life through actions in which they mobilize, at the same time and in an interrelated way, according to attitudinal, procedural and conceptual components. For Ortiz, Rendón and Atehortua (2012), they are those skills that allow a person to achieve outstanding performance within the organization. According to Zarazúa (2007), to obtain good results, it is necessary for the collaborator to show a performance based on the characteristics and competencies of the person, since it is not enough with the title and results of the psychological evaluations carried out.
According to De Pelekais and El Kadi (2019), the competences have had a considerable evolution in terms of their term and their classification, this has strengthened the theory regarding this topic, allowing specialists in human talent, professors and researchers to continue developing this term that manages in organizations to increase productivity and in employees the growth of their performance. Montañez (2020), considers the classification of competencies in generic, those skills that the collaborator must have to perform a task in the workplace such as attitudes, knowledge and skills, the second classification are the specific competencies that refer to the observable behaviors that allow to develop and succeed in the tasks performed by the collaborator.
For Sagi (2004), competencies are classified into technical and key competences, techniques those knowledge and skills that the employee acquires to perform tasks related to their profession, key competencies on the other hand those mental, social and attitude capacities related to distinctive traits that differentiate the employee, in addition to being observable behaviors allow successful contributions to the processes of the company. For her part, Nadine Jolis (1998), classifies competences into theoretical, those based on theory and knowledge, practices, transforming information into actions, social competences, that ability to relate and finally this author considers knowledge skills as the ability to carry knowledge together with knowledge to coordinate and execute tasks generating new ways of facing it.
For HayGroup (1996), competencies are classified as essential, differentiating, generic and specific. Those competencies required by the organization are considered essential; differentiators, competencies that allow differentiating performance in employees; generic, those that the person applies repetitively in jobs such as skills and attitudes; and finally classifies the competences into specific, those own and necessary so that each area of work can develop and meet the objectives.Table 1. Classification of competences base don the authors
Authors Classification Generated Concept Montañez (2020).Generic.
Specific. The classification of competences according to their difficulty of detection is the organization of the capacities and behaviors of the people according to the characteristics and appropriation of these to perform a task identified thanks to the disposition competences by the people, the success that this has will depend on the way of facing and competences to be used before the situation that is presented to it. Sagi (2004). Techniques.
Keys. Nadine (1998). Theoretical.
Knowledge. HayGroup (1996). Essential.
Specifics.Source: own elaboration (2021).
Classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting human talent: a theoretical review
Skills have often been the reason for dropping out of staff recruitment. The competency management model defines the classification allowing the competences to be correctly identified from different perspectives. Montes and González (2010), consider the basic competences, such as those necessary to start in an organization, the technical-professional, those essential to perform a task, the transversal, necessary also according to the author to perform a task within the labor area and the keys, those identified by each organization and required to perform a task within the new model of work organization.
The classification of competences according to their difficulty of detection, for Spencer and Spencer consider the skills or abilities, concept of oneself, personality traits, attitudes-values and knowledge (Alles, 2006), this classification considered by the authors categorize it in visible as the skills, attitudes and knowledge, competences of easy identification and those not visible as the concept of one same and personality traits, skills that are difficult to detect and develop. For its part Preciado (2006), classifies the competences in universal and individual, the first in which those aptitudes and personal traits are considered, these competences that are generally learned and adapted from the environment in which the person moves and secondly the individual competences, are those that are strictly developed in the work environment and are linked to values, company strategy and culture.
Likewise, the classification of competences according to their difficulty of detection is the organization of the capacities and behaviors of the people according to the characteristics and appropriation of these to perform a task identified thanks to the disposition competences by the people, the success that this has will depend on the way of facing and competences to be used before the situation that is presented to it. This classification allows to efficiently identify the competencies in the collaborator, managing to take advantage of the best way the skills they have in the correct area of the organization.Skills or abilities
Within the framework of the classification, skills or abilities are highlighted as the most relevant indicator to quickly identify the competencies of the employee, which allows the organization to adjust training, strategies and definition of suitable objectives to the skills identified in the staff and greater participation of the collaborator in the processes, results and competitiveness of the organization. Within the classification of competencies, skills or abilities are highlighted, they are those easy to develop in the person or in a collaborator. Alles (2006), Annía et al., (2019) and Páez and Vera (2020), consider as behaviors acquired through learning, such as imitation, essays, among others, also relates skills as specific responses to specific situations and as behaviors that always occur in relation to other people, that is, in interpersonal contexts. For Ramos (Coord.) (2012), skills are specific abilities to perform certain types of physical or mental activities that allow the permanence in the workplace. The authors cited agree that skills or abilities are characteristics by which the human being is distinguished from the other, behavior of the person, how he develops and puts into practice in different situations these skills, these can be innate or learned and thanks to experience, can develop skills over time or in the workplace.
Concept of oneself
The self-concept establishes the internal characteristics of the person, those with which he arrives at the organization, a concept that is already defined by the employee through his experience in life and in other workplaces. For Gutiérrez (2010) and Montes and González (2010), self-knowledge or concept of oneself is achieved by identifying variables such as what one is, what one wants, what one has, what one wants in the short, medium and long term and the capacities and skills that the individual has, this evaluation will allow to create a self-concept with which the collaborator of the organization identifies his position before the situation and how to face it from their knowledge and personal identity to solve the problem. according to Alles (2006), the concept itself is the result of an evaluation, which highlights self-confidence, security to perform and face different situations and through which the person acquires an experience that increases confidence, skills and abilities to exercise new tasks and positions in the organization. Several authors agree that the concept of oneself is the identity of each one as a person, own characteristics, unique as the name, surname, physical features, among others that define authenticity, by the way we speak, act and think, which leads other people to create their own concept about us and about themselves.
Personality traits
Within the classification personality traits arise as one of the most difficult competences to detect in the human being, these traits emerge in the collaborator usually in problematic situations. Andrés (2016), defines personality as a term created by psychologists to form an idea of the being and the way of functioning of this, also highlights the attributes or traits in categories such as cognitive (perception, memory, reasoning), conative (motivation, will, interests) and emotional (anxiety, fear, anger). These traits are appreciated in the behavior and performance in different situations that the person faces, the traits will then be the hallmarks of the collaborator.
For Morris and Maisto (2005), personality traits are those dimensions or characteristics by which people differ by the way they perform their actions in situations, such behavior can be characterized by showing dependence, anxiety, aggressiveness and sociability, these traits will always be that model, that unique reference with which people identify and identify. In relation to the above, personality traits are those characteristics that arise from the self-concept, once this is defined, the person begins to develop distinctive traits such as the way of walking, laughing, running, writing, among others, that are learned in their own way or because they were adapted after a step through the environment, as the person grows and gains experience can develop traits with which he already has and / or adapts r new traits that allow survival at the individual and group level in the outside or work world.Attitudes – values
In the classification by competencies there is a very important indicator considered within those visible competencies in people and with which an evaluation can be identified and carried out, attitudes and / or values, these are characterized by being reflected generally in positive behaviors of the collaborator in situations within the organization. According to Morris and Maisto (2005) and Andrés (2016), attitude is a state of mind to prepare for the response of a situation, through the organization of different experiences, which exerts an influence on the behavior of the person towards the problem and situation to be faced.
Attitudes are considered values, hence the importance for the person and collaborator of an organization to reap positive attitudes that show an image that generates confidence for the company and the client, otherwise a negative image will be the cover and by far the content of our competencies and values (Sánchez, Ramos and Marset, 1994). These can consider the way to show values that are learned, it is the characteristic way in which people face a situation, which is marked by positive and negative behaviors, reflecting a concept of the person and behaviors that are adapted from other people.Knowledge
In the classification by competences, knowledge ends up being the most remarkable variable of the person, these define people and how they see them (Santillán, 2010). Through knowledge it is possible to master a situation, from knowledge, allowing knowledge and not emotions to manage the situation and lead it to the achievement of the objective in the organization. Santillán (2010) and Ramírez, Espindola, Ruíz and Huguet (2019), affirm that knowledge is human capacity, which is based on experience and aims to synthesize information and transform them into decisions and concrete actions, the realization of a task will always involve using knowledge to be able to perform it, you can not ask a child to say the colors, if you have never been taught. Based on theoretical references, knowledge can be defined as that information learned, studied and put into practice, through which the person uses to develop a task, knowledge is then considered as the set of data, numbers, words, etc. that people collect to be used at a given time, which allows this the response to a task and situation that leads to obtain a positive result.
This classification of competencies according to the difficulty of detection marks an evolution and integrates those competencies that are applied in work and personal areas, showing a transformation in the action of the person thanks to skills, defined self-concepts, distinctive features, attitudes and knowledge, this set of competencies are articulated so that employees and people develop and generate a vision that allows them to address different situations that are given Present. In addition, this classification of competencies allows to identify behaviors in the collaborator and a series of diverse capacities that allow him to have a favorable and flexible performance in the work area.Table 2. Conceptualization of the indicators of the classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting human talent
Skills or abilities.
It is the faculty of the human being by which it is distinguished from another, such as the behavior of the person, the way to develop it and put it into practice in different situations. Other skills can be innate or learned in the environment, thanks to experience.
Concept of oneself.
It is the identity of each person, those unique characteristics such as name, surname, physical traits, among others that define authenticity, through which people are characterized by how they think and act based on the development of their life. This acquired experience creates a self-knowledge that is reflected to other people, by the way we speak, act, dress and think, which leads other people to create their own concept about ourselves and about themselves.
Personality traits.
Characteristic that arises from the self-concept, once defined this, the person develops distinctive features such as the way of walking, laughing, running, writing, among others, which are learned in their own way or adapted after a step through the environment.
Attitudes - values.
It is understood as the characteristic in which people face a situation, which is marked by positive and negative behaviors that reflect a concept of the person and through which it demonstrates learned values.
It is considered the information learned, studied, collected and put into practice, through which the person uses to develop a task. knowledge is then considered the set of data, numbers, words, etc. that people collect to be used at any given time, allowing the latter to respond to a situation.
Source: own elaboration (2022).
The ongoing research is positivist and quantitative method, focused on classification by competencies according to their difficulty of detection. It is presented as descriptive, because it studies the variables by obtaining data from primary sources and its purpose is to describe the problem. According to Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014), descriptive research seeks to specify properties and characteristics and the profiles of people, groups, communities, processes, objectives or any other phenomenon that is subjected to an analysis.
According to its depth, it was constituted in a descriptive investigation, which was carried out considering the realities of the facts that emerged during the investigation. The design of the research is classified as a non-experimental field and is classified as transversal, non-experimental, and field, the purpose being the description of the classification and analysis of human competences and the management of these in the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil, for Hernández, Fernández and Baptista, (2014), cross-sectional or cross-sectional research designs collect data in a single moment, in a single time and their purpose is to describe variables and analyze their incidence and interrelation at a given time. For this reason, the research presents a descriptive cross-sectional design.
According to the design, the type of research was field, being the origin of the information the staff of customer service, toilet, administrative, cooks and auxiliaries, waiters and accountant of the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil. In this same order of ideas, it is classified as transitional, because the timeline was in the period 2020, collecting the data in a single moment, in a single time; its purpose was to analyze the variables at a given time, and then process the results, giving rise to the conclusions and recommendations. For the research, a population census was carried out, allowing to obtain the measurement of the total number of collaborators (12) in the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil, characterized by providing the service of accommodation and with complementary services, located in the municipality of San Gil, department of Santander. Its functional structure is constituted by the general management, operational area and functional area.
The survey was used as a technique for data collection, and as an instrument a questionnaire, which consists of a list of questions with multiple selection scale structured by fifteen (15) items, with an ordinal scale, using answer options, (A): always, (AA): almost always, (ST): sometimes, (AN): almost never, (N): never, according to which it will encode the answer options: rating from five (5) to one (1) positive statements and one (1) to five (5) negative statements (Table 3).
Table 3. Encoding response options
Opciones positivas de Alternativa
Opciones Negativas Ponderación
(5) Always
(1) Never
(4) Almost Always
(2) Almost never
(3) Sometimes
(3) Sometimes
(2) Almost never
(4) Almost Always
(1) Never
(5) Always
Source:Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014).
Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014), affirm that a questionnaire is the set of questions regarding one or more variables to be measured, they are based on questions that can be closed or open. To respond to the purpose of the research, a scale of interpretation of the arithmetic mean was generated, establishing the behavior of the indicators of management by competencies (Table 4).
Table 4. Scale of categorization of the arithmetic mean establishing the evaluation of the management by competences
Score range
Not present
Somewhat present
Moderately present
Very present
Source: Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014).
An instrument is valid when it truly measures what is desired, that is, the variable under study, the construction of the set of questions that respond to the objectives is the key to obtaining required information. To this end, the validity of the content was considered through the judgment of five (5) experts in the area of human talent, who determined the relevance of the items in relation to the variable, objectives, dimensions and indicators.
According to Chávez (2012), reliability is the degree of congruence with which the measurement of a variable is made and for the present research, the Cronbach Alpha formula will be used. A pilot test was performed on twelve (12) subjects, with characteristics similar to the population under study. Then, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used, applied the formula a reliability of the instrument of (0.82) was obtained in the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, which indicates that the aforementioned instrument is highly reliable according to the performance scale (Table 5).
Tabla 5. Scale for the recovery of the reliability coefficient
From 0 to 0.20
Very low.
From 0,21 to 0,40
From 0,41 to 0,60
From 0,61 to 0,80
From 0,81 to 1
Very High.
Source: Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014).
Once the data collection is completed, the results are analyzed, they are represented numerically in tables and tables, facilitating statistical analysis. Therefore, the analysis of data provided by the studied population will be carried out by coding and tabulation by the researcher, with the IBM SPSS Statistics V.22 program, and then applying descriptive statistics.
Table. 6. Classification of competences according to their difficulty in detecting human talent at the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina in the Municipality of San Gil – Santander
Source: own elaboration (2022).
Source: own elaboration (2022).
According to Table 6 that refers to the classification of competencies according to their difficulty of detection, it is evident that the total arithmetic mean of the dimension is 3.99 percentage points, reflecting the sum of trends 74% positive, 19% neutral and 7% negative categorizing the dimension as present in the model of human management by competencies in the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil.
In addition, it is possible to analyze the skills or abilities indicator as the most favored, with an average of 4.64, which categorizes the indicator as very present in the classification of competencies, this shows a good behavior of the indicator within the management model in the hotel. Continuing the analysis of the dimension, the knowledge indicator is recognized as the one with the greatest lack presenting an average of 3.36 percentage points, making it known that knowledge is moderately presented in the classification of competencies in the hotel, this reflects a lack of attention on the part of the organization towards this capacity in the collaborator.
In this sense, the analysis of the indicators of the dimension highlights the skills or abilities, the results of 8 reporting subjects are identified 64%, these stated that in the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil always the competences are classified considering skills or abilities of each of its collaborators, which allows to know that on the part of the organization capacities are identified in the collaborator and considers them for assign tasks, they also play a very important individual and group role in people for the benefit and development of the collaborator and organization. Consequently, 4 subjects from the 36% population stated that competitions are almost always classified by skills or abilities in the hotel, thus supporting the answers given in the analysis of the previous alternative response.
According to the self-concept indicator, which had an average of 4.61 categorizing it as very present, 7 subjects of the population under study 61% who stated that always the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil considers the concept of the collaborator as competition within the classification of the management model, This result shows that the organization takes into account the differentiating capabilities of each employee as an engine of growth of this inside and outside the hotel. In this regard, 5 subjects 39% expressed the alternative response almost always, thus fixing the concept of the person within the model of human management by competencies in the organization.
Considering the indicator personality traits, which presented an average of 3.44 percentage points categorizing it as present within the model of human management by competencies, 7 subjects 58% of the population under study stated that almost always the competencies considered distinctive traits in the collaborator are classified, concern within the analysis of the results the vote of 4 subjects 31% which state that almost never the organization contemplates the personality traits such as classification of competencies within the management model in the organization, this being the second largest vote in this indicator, while 1 subject of the population 8% said that the competencies are always classified by this indicator in the human management model by competencies of the Hotel Campestre Santa Catalina of the Municipality of San Gil – Santander.
Completing the analysis of the results, the indicator attitudes – values presented an average of 3.89 categorizing it as present, 5 subjects of the population under study 39% almost always stated the company considers attitudes – values as competencies in the collaborator, making them participate in various disciplines in the company and strengthening the relationships between its employees, 3 subjects 25% respondents stated that this indicator is always classified as competence to manage in the model.
Regarding the knowledge indicator, it presents the most depressed average of the dimension classification of competencies with 3.36 percentage points categorizing it as moderately present, 7 subjects of the population 58% stated that knowledge is sometimes considered for the development of activities and skills, 5 subjects 39% stated that knowledge is almost always considered as competence for the development and fulfillment of hotel activities.
When determining the classification of the competences of human talent, it is considered present, being the knowledge indicator, the most depressed of the dimension. The skills or abilities indicator favored by presenting the highest average is characterized. For Santillán (2010), knowledge is that human capacity, based on experience and that synthesizes and transforms information into concrete decisions and actions. The performance of tasks will involve using knowledge to perform it, so it is estimated that employees create solid bases of their knowledge allowing them to learn and relearn, generating good performance.CONCLUSIONS
Taking into account the discussion of the results, it is concluded that: (1) the classification of the competences of human talent, is considered present in the management model of the company under study, being the knowledge indicator the most affected, therefore, the skills or abilities indicator the most favored of the study variable, these findings present a positive trend in human talent processes, stimulating the participation of employees to integrate into the strategies of the organization and optimize resources in jobs, given by the specific competencies of employees, (2) the theory set forth above shows that the skills according to their difficulty in detecting human talent, enable people to reinvent themselves, adapt to new changes, and establish in these dynamic capacities that favor their management and that of their environment, (3) both skills or abilities, concept of oneself, personality traits, attitudes – values and knowledge , originate in the individual differentiating qualities that enhance their actions in daily life, and that socially impact the way of working and responding to work challenges.
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Revista Global Negotium
Vol. 5 No. 2 / Páginas [88 - 105]
ISSN 2642 -4800
Mayo - Agosto 202210422 NW 31st Terrace Doral FL 33172.
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