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Happiness as a potential tool of productivity in financial organizations

La felicidad como herramienta potenciadora de la productividad en las organizaciones financieras


Cira Fernández de Pelekais
Director of academic and student operations
Florida Global University

Omar El Kadi
Financial Advisor
Scotiabank Bridlewood Canada


Este artículo tiene como propósito examinar a través de un análisis, la felicidad como herramienta potenciadora de la productividad en las organizaciones financieras. Con este fin la investigación estuvo orientada por un enfoque postpositivista, cualitativo, de tipo documental, con diseño bibliográfico, comprendiendo la revisión literaria para conocer el estado del arte de las categorías estudiadas, al igual que el levantamiento de la información obtenida de las bases de datos, revistas científicas, trabajos de grado, repositorios institucionales, así como la identificación de objetivos. Los hallazgos demuestran la existencia de gran cantidad de referente teórico sobre la temática, en el cual se constata como las personas que son felices con sus trabajos y en las empresas que laboran, son más productivas, adicionalmente demuestran ser más agradecidos, cuentan con mayor sentido de pertenencia, están cada vez más orientadas al logro y exteriorizan su compromiso alineándose a la institución donde se desempeñan en el campo laboral.
Palabras clave: Felicidad, Productividad, Organizaciones financieras.


This article aims to examine, through an analysis, happiness as a productivity-enhancing tool in financial organizations. To this end, the research was guided by a postpositivist, qualitative, documentary approach, with bibliographic design, including literary review to know the state of the art of the categories studied, as well as the collection of information obtained from the bases of data, scientific journals, degree projects, institutional repositories, as well as the identification of objectives. The findings demonstrate the existence of a large number of theoretical references on the subject, which shows how the people who are happy with their jobs and in the companies that work are more productive, additionally prove to be more grateful, have more sense of belonging, they are increasingly oriented towards achievement and externalize their commitment in line with the institution where they work in the labor field.
Key words: Happiness, Productivity, Financial organizations.


This analysis started by emphasizing the premises outlined by Moccia (2016), who says that the human being has always tended to pursue happiness as a goal or a purpose, a State of ideal and permanent well-being to which it is necessary to arrive. However, such longed happiness, seems very difficult to achieve, because life raises situations characterized by the "disappointment", i.e., opposite to tastes, interests and peace of mind.  The issues raised, according to Cerezo (2018), is reinforced by Aristotle, who claimed that happiness is the Supreme goal of humans, which gives meaning and purpose to any purpose in life. By which, the cited author refers that, all have as a goal to achieve happines and so the  effort to do things aimed at fulfilling that objective.
In this sense, to Cruz Mejía et al., (2015), happiness is an emotional state, which generates feelings of accomplishment and well-being, for this purpose it provides high levels of motivation, that benefit everyday activities, especially the labour dynamics at both individual and group level, which are object of study inside organizations, since there have been several changes in the market, also in the economic dynamics, achieving thus, becoming the main structure of quality and productivity.
In this context, one of the factors of particular relevance that influence human capital is organizational happiness. In this sense, Hosie et al., (2008, p.152), point out that "organizational happiness is the emotional commitment of the worker with the company, welfare and their job satisfaction".  Similarly, according to Shawn Anchor (2012), the brain of a worker tends to work best when you sit with a positive attitude, then workers are more creative and have better attitude to solve problems. Therefore in happy organizations, employees are more creative and more efficient. Moreover Fisher (2010), in her article Happiness at Work points out that Happiness doesnt result only in Job satisfaction but it includes work engagement, and affective organizational commitment.
On the other hand, Alvarez (2018), argues that work and happiness are not correlated. That work was a place to which people should go, do tasks and leave. While happiness was for free time. It is now known, though, the importance to be happy in the workplace among collaborators.
However, it is important to ask ourselves, if happiness boosts productivity in financial organizations, considering that it has been demonstrated that a happy individual radiates optimism, in addition to being willing to resolve any situation that is present in the workplace, in an effective and diligent manner.
Based on the above, this article aims to examine through an analysis happiness as a powerful tool of productivity in financial organizations.


Whereas the premise that the theoretical framework serves as a conceptual basis for the work done, then it is outlined the different positions assumed by various authors examined:
References about happiness:
According to Happiness at work (Jones, 2010), workers spend around 90,000 hours in the work environment in his whole life, so it is necessary that there is a balance between happiness and occupational factors, this so there is a satisfaction in work performance and factors of emotion. As a result, management of happiness is a perspective that looks broadly both the responsibilities and functions of the worker in charge as well as the company, studying individuals as the approach where people are the main asset for the support and production results of an organization, and that this only depends on the realization of an attractive value offer for employees (Munoz-sanz, 2011).
Moreover, to Csikszentmihalyi (2008), happiness is not something that happens, nor its the result of luck or chance. Nor it is something to buy with money or power. It doesn't depend on external events, but rather, how they are interpreted. In fact, happiness is a vital condition, by means of which each person must prepare, cultivate and defend individually. People that learn to control their inner experience are able to determine the quality of their lives, this is the closest that it is possible as to be happy.
Happiness is explained more by memories, trajectory of life and valuable goals (Avia and Vasquez, 2011), than by incidental matters. Similarly, happiness also has a cognitive component. Namely, that which makes it possible to be judged or not as happy and which is based on the belief in life things are going well. This judgement is subjective and do not necessarily correspond to how happy others perceive.
With respect to the issues raised, Sanin (2017), ensures that the happiness at work is then a multidimensional theoretical construct that deserves the attention of organizations, and in addition, requires the work of psychologists and of the Organization for the clear understanding of it, as so their differences as well as similarities with other concepts. It also demands knowledge about its effects on the work world, in the way and it must be measured. Happiness can be taken into account from the strategic point of view by the companies, with the huge gain of work, also to the well-being and the quality of working life of people.
It is why, that the author Rojas (2010), quoted by Fernández (2015), in his participation in the book: happiness in work, tries to establish specific links between happiness and productivity at work, starting from the premise "a happy person can focus all his creative ability towards activities, taking advantage and most of the time spent; with the consequent benefits both personally and for the company". In this regard, it proposes 8 reasons why happiness and productivity should be considered as part of an organization.
1. a happy worker is a motivated and optimistic worker
2. A happy worker develops all his talent and gives much more than itself
3. A happy worker is best suited to work as a team player
4. A happy worker is much more creative
5. A happy worker is better suited to changes
6. A happy worker is less likely to make mistakes
7. A happy worker, is a healthy worker
8. A happy worker solves problems, not create them

Happiness at work
In the views of Fernández (2015), there are individual actions that each employee makes in his post and allows to improve well-being or the perception of happiness that it is in the organization. According to the cited author, there is a difference between happiness at work and organizational happiness. The latter refers to the capacity made by the company to manage resources, deliver them as value offering to employees, generating in so psychosocial well-being and at the same time devising a balance on the financial health of both workers and the organization. On the other hand, happiness at work is the particular and subjective perception of each worker on their own well-being, growth and health in the workplace. This perception is the main indicator of organizational happiness, because it makes it possible to learn about the welfare, health and fullness of the workers with their functions and organization.
In terms of organizational happiness, the referred author adds, it is the ability of an organization to provide and enable its employees the conditions and processes that allowed the development of both individual strengths as well as the Group, to focus on their performance toward the goals of the company that are sustainable, building an intangible asset, hard to imitate on the market.
On the other hand Punset (2007), indicates that companies should have as a priority within its objectives the happiness of workers. As a result, the company must recognize that workers can control part of the processes with which they work, and to combine their efforts and expertise on a task, they develop their innate qualities.

Management of happiness
"It's an inclusive scheme, watching employees as people who need to enjoy their work to grow.”The idea is to help people to be more efficient, and to achieve this, there is no other way that manage the motivation and create wonderful work experiences" (Prado, 2015, p.2).
According to Fernandez (2015), talk about management of happiness is a new way of looking at people that extends the responsibilities and functions of the management of people. It is a name for the future, few companies have in his chart a manager of happiness, in the analysis it could be seen that only in Chile and a Spanish company have this figure in its directory. However, while most business organizations, do not use the figure of Manager of happiness, is responsible for the area of people who assumes that role.
In this sense, according to the cited author, management of happiness has a broad scope of responsibilities in four roles: articulator, expert, accompaniment and guarantor.
The Articulator role refers to the ability of amalgamating management strategies of people according to the needs of the areas of business management and information arising from organizational listening, as well as participatory management. The expert role is to show first level technical competence to carry out people management strategies, both in its basal aspects and innovators.
On the other hand, the role of accompanying means designing and implementing a structure accompanying the development of the headquarters of all hierarchical levels to close and firm leadership. Finally the guarantor role refers to the responsibility of the management of happiness for ensuring compliance with the standards of those strategies, practices and indicators you have defined as minimum parameters of operation.


In reference to this point is important to explain that there is a psychological movement known as positive psychology, which was started in the year 1990, led by psychologist and American writer Martin Seligman, this current is different from the old methods, where the traditional was a study on the mental illness of persons; focusing to examine the welfare and happiness of the people, proposing through research with all the scientific rigor, models to achieve that people are more positive and happy.
With respect to the issues raised, authors like Lyubomirsky (2008), have focused their studies on identifying and structuring practical guides to get happiness, Demystifying many concepts about the aspects that can produce no happiness in people, within the most important of his theory stand out:
People have false beliefs about issues involving can generate happiness forever and on adverse aspects which in turn considered are generators of unhappiness for all life. According to the cited author, there is a phenomenon known as hedonistic adaptation and basically consists of human beings to have a high level of adaptation to situations that are gratifying but become momentary, and can do underestimate the successes obtained. It is recommended to address crisis situations with calm, analytical way, viewing the different options on hand, and in this way acquire the wisdom necessary to deal with these situations, which do not constitute the end of happiness, but in the other hand could turn as an opportunity to lead the way to a full life.

PERMA: The new model of human flourishing
This model was developed by psychologist Martin Seligman. The Foundation of the model is to identify all of what a free and conscious human being pursues to achieve their well-being. (Gil 2015). This model has a scientific foundation and its purpose is to develop to the fullest the potential of people, looking for their well-being, contributing in this way to make them more happy. Similarly, it includes five dimensions: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, accomplishment/achievement.
According to González et al., (2018), happiness management model places emphasis on the collaborator as a human being, and has as a central purpose achieve labor welfare, from the objective aspects reflected in the plan of benefits, working conditions, and the subjective aspects that includes the generation of a positive work environment. It establishes that management of happiness should be central to human.

The science of happiness at work
This model was created by Lopener Institute (2005), a consulting firm of international nature, which contributes to increased productivity in organizations, having as a key point of his speech, the happiness of the employees.
Finally, Ibanez (2019), ensures that when we talk about happiness and well-being at work is vital to recognize that the idea must be directly linked to the operation, as well as planning of the company, according to studies, a happy person is more efficient in their work, because that includes operation, the role played in the integration of the joint work of other areas and of the final purpose of each of the tasks. Also, the cited author holds, that no one in the company can be happy if their operation is not successful.

according to Murrieta et al., (2017), productivity as the relationship between the production obtained from a system or production service and resources used to achieve it, can be defined as the effective use of resources (work, capital, land, materials, energy, information) in the production of various goods and services. It is to bring more products with the same amount of resources.
For Gomez and Lozano (2017), it is abstracted that the degree of productivity to obtain in a company depends largely on the effectiveness in the management of its human talent and how it iscapitalized on the basis of the formulated goals. Thus, human capital (worker) that manages or uses the resources of the company (economic, technological, material), become a key factor in obtaining added value.
For Sandoval and Masis (2014), the measurement of productivity at the enterprise level, as well as the productive chains, is a necessary condition for the evaluation of their performance, innovation and the definition of their business strategies. Productivity has become a fundamental business issue, since a high productivity and an adequate strategy allow the increase of the competitiveness and innovation in companies, since its increase represents a differentiating factor to achieve the success at national and international level.
However, to boost productivity from the point of view of human capital, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that encourage it in the enterprise, (Bocigas, 2015), quoted by Simancas et al., (2018).
On the other hand, the ILO (International Labour Organization) said that the result of a production is the integration of four basic components in an organization, which products are manufactured as a result of the integration of four elements main: land, capital, labour and organization. The relationship of these elements to the production is a measure of productivity.
Also, according to Humberto Gutiérrez (2005), productivity is related to the results that derive from a process or system within the Organization, therefore increasing productivity means that better results are generated as the resources used.

Productivity measurement
There are many ways of measuring productivity, especially because it depends on the company and the industry in which it is located. According to the industry magazine of the National University of Mexico (2015):

On the other hand, Diaz (2017), points out that for the purposes of determining the success of the implemented initiatives as well as its impact on productivity; It is necessary to perform permanent evaluations, it is why, performance indicators are used to this: efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness that translates into productivity. Which, in addition to measuring the level achieved, allow the taking of decisions and actions to improve when rates do not show the expected results.
Muñoz et at al., (2018), who quoted (Singh, 1998; Cox & Rial-gonzalez, 2000), ensure that productivity has to be seen then as a result of the performance of human talent, surrounded by the conditions, in addition to the basic measures of safety and labor welfare in organizations, can offer all the efforts to produce goods and services in an efficient manner, so any intervention to improve productivity in the Organization has its genesis in people.
What is described earlier confirms the arguments given by the reviewed authors, who claim that human resources should be the first objective of managers in an organization.
Finally, Satish et al., (2013), found that there is one correlation between productivity growth and management programs (programs that change the working method), which are the current work practices. This means according to the authors that, if companies have applied the most modern working practices and have achieved initial results, improvement of labor productivity, it will decrease at another time if they don't have another successful and radical change.


The research that originated this article was directed with postpositivism method, qualitative approach, documentary and bibliografical design, understanding the literary review, the information as well as the identification and categorization of objectives. Different sources were explored, such as books, scientific articles, databases that brought together scientific journals, repositories, through which relevant information was compiled, working documentary observation with the matrix analysis of the categories, by means of a comparative critical review. Considering the position taken by Duran (2015), who assures that it is essential to examine carefully through analysis, the role of organizations to the development in the current scenario, characterized by globalization and internationalization of markets and the standardization of accounting regulations, providing foresight as a positioning tool.
Similarly, the conceptual part of the method used relies on Arias (2016), for whom documentary research has its foundation in the exploration of a specific topic, which should be advocated in a hermeneutic analysis, determined by a critical position. Reinforced by Hernández et to., (2017), who argue that the documentary research is supported by information gathered from documents written by other theorists, at any given time, which can be used as a reference consulted in any other study that requires it to support the content exposed and subsequently reported, in this sense, the inquiry must express testimony of a reality or a happened fact.
Complementing, Pelekais et al., (2015), for whom speaking of documentary research refers to a study that demand for its development of a pre-existing condition have selected a topic in specific that needs to expand, for it to be done, it must have been defined and sufficiently justified for the purpose of exploring the reality of what is investigating in the sources consulted, also concern the need for accuracy, clarity, as well as the level of synthesis which must meet, so realized approach demonstrates relevance and total correspondence with what was analyzed. In this way, it is possible to respond to the objectives or purposes raised at the begining.
Also, the executed research is framed in a bibliografical desig, based on the exploration of the topic under study. In this regard, Sabino (2014), shares the approach referred to by the above referenced authors to express that the bibliographic design, is based on the premise that the employees data as a source of information, which come from previous studies made by other theoretical specialists in the area of knowledge, those who deliver their contributions to the scientific community service so that they can socialize them.


this apart starts by examining the theoretical contributions of the revised literature, in this sense, the foundings puts in evidence, such as Cherry (2018) points out, the idea is to make work another source of happiness, because the speaking of managing it means to take responsibility for the management of people that make up the organization.
In this sense, the findings demonstrate the existence of large amount of theoretical reference on the subject, in which it is noted as the people who are happy with their jobs in the companies that work, are more productive, additionally, prove to be more grateful, they have greater sense of belonging, are increasingly more oriented to the achievement shocked and its commitment to aligning the institution where employed in the labor field.
Coinciding in its entirety the criteria put forward by the reviewed authors, who argue that the happiness of workers affects the productivity of the company, therefore workers are compromised and in total alignment and harmony with the organization.


Once the theoretical references were examined and analyzed the documentary supports object of study, the findings derived from the corresponding review reflect the following conclusions:
The foregoing material it is extrapolated by assimilation, when people are satisfied with themselves and with the work performed, become more productive, because they perform activities assigned with love, passion and motivation, in addition, there is currently an effort of several organizations and professionals to implement innovative methods to develop the potential of human capital, which is a benefit for the parties that make up the employment relationship. Additionally, it is very interesting to have knowledge about the new positivist theories that will change the way they relate many organizations with their collaborators, whereas in the opinion of scholars in the area, is a new awakening to a World of happier works and full of opportunities.
Still, it is important to specify what was contributed by the consulted references and theorist, which makes it clear how people who are happy with their jobs and enterprises are more productive, more grateful, have a greater sense of belonging and are each more achievement-oriented over time.
This in turn is an indicator that happiness has an impact on productivity, can therefore promote it, turning it into a tool to be used by those in charge of managing people in a company, especially in the financial area, requiring a human capital committed and aligned with the values contained in the philosophical platform of this type of institutions, by the mission that corresponds to them to comply.


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Revista Global Negotium
ISSN 2642 -4800

Vol. 2 No. 2 / Páginas [99-112]
Mayo-Agosto 2019

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