REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM 2024-05-31T15:14:57+00:00 José Gerardo Guarisma Jr Open Journal Systems <div><strong>LA REVISTA CIENTÍFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM,</strong> nace en Septiembre de 2018, adscrita a la Florida Global University, por medio de <strong>FGU PUBLISHING,</strong> arbitrada e indizada, bajo la modalidad electrónica, siendo de publicación cuatrimestral, especializada en las áreas de:</div> <div>Gerencia, negocios</div> <div>Relaciones económicas internacionales</div> <div>Finanzas, planificación, recursos humanos, innovación y emprendimiento, entre otras disciplinas afines. Representa un medio de difusión y divulgación de la producción intelectual generada por investigadores de varios países del mundo en idioma inglés, español y portugués. &nbsp;a los fines que sus aportes sean visibles y socializados con la comunidad en general y la academia en particular. Gestionando su actividad a través de <strong>FGU RESEARCH CENTER</strong>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Incorporada en la Base de datos de <strong>FGU PUBLISHING&nbsp;</strong></div> Editorial 2024-05-31T15:14:53+00:00 Cira de Pelekais <p>The second issue of Global Negotium Magazine in this year 2024, corresponding to the months May/August, is aimed at disseminating works developed on: Pseudo-leadership, apocryphal leadership, toxic leadership, negative leadership, perverse organizations, travel agencies, management, innovation, strategy, neo management, intelligent business ecosystems, technology, decision making, strategic marketing, business management, online stores, financing strategies, budget challenge, business objectives and business ecosystems.</p> 2024-05-30T21:57:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Preface 2024-05-31T15:14:53+00:00 Nadeska Gallardo <p>When doing a documentary review regarding the topic discussed, we can first find Lozano (2017), for whom entrepreneurial ecosystems have gained strength during the last few years due to the strengths they have to favor the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of new companies; however, the literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems is still scarce.</p> 2024-05-30T21:46:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Emergence of apocryphal leaderships in the contemporary hispanic organizational scene 2024-05-31T15:14:54+00:00 Ramiro Aurelio Buitrago Ángel Gutiérrez Ortega Carlos Henríquez Jiménez Néstor Romero Ramos Josué Vera Rodríguez <p>The purpose of this article was to analyze the emergence of apocryphal leaderships in the contemporary Hispanic organizational scene. This extensive, emerges on the occasion of the preparation of a study, supported by the postpositivist paradigm, said investigative procedure, was framed in the qualitative design, the bibliographic method and the documentary technique, in this sense the bibliographic matrix, the consistency matrix and the content analytical matrix. With the completion of the investigation in question, concrete findings were achieved; that allowed us to recognize the origin of the schemes, which corrupt the administrative process in its four main phases: planning, organization, direction and control; and likewise, the sociocultural background could be elucidated, which permeates the organic processes taking place in the current administrative dynamics, whose echo is felt in the scenarios that comprise it. Warning that everything that is erected from the human spectrum is cultural in nature and is replicated in the microenvironment of the aforementioned organizational structures. Meanwhile, it is Worth noting that beyond being a contemplative issue, anthropological phenomena find opportunity in daily work events, taking into account that numerous, diverse, dissimilar interpersonal relationships are deployed, developed and concretized. Thus, it could be concluded that the forms of action that guide the behavior of those who, without sufficient aptitudes, usurp the role of leader, can pervert the network of processes inherent to the aforementioned context; giving rise to multiple corruption plots, collusion and, consequently, the emergence of perverse organizations.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Innovation Perspectives: Marketing in Travel Agencies in the City of Barranquilla-Colombia 2024-05-31T15:14:54+00:00 ojsmasterfgu ojsmasterfgu Astrid Mercedes Romero Ariza Ivonne María Gil Osorio <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze marketing innovation trends in travel agencies in Barranquilla-Colombia, considering that innovation at the organizational level plays a fundamental role towards positioning and competitiveness in the market. This research is classified as quantitative descriptive, non-experimental design, field, towards the collection of data a survey-type instrument was performed, in the selection of population a stratified random sampling was used (30). The results found in the analysis process are clearly evident that they develop it due to the need and adaptation to changing environments due to the advancement of ICT, maintaining a digital presence. Therefore, it is considered that the organizations under study are strictly necessary to carry out planning from the perspective of strategic marketing as a transcendental element to remain current in contemporary changing scenarios coupled with digital marketing in the use of social networks as a communication mechanism between company and customers that achieves a greater positioning in business contexts.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Neo management and intelligent business ecosystems 2024-05-31T15:14:55+00:00 Maricarmen Soto Ortigoza Rubén Prato Zuluaga <p>A modern approach to business organization puts into focus the new approach of the business ecosystem for the demands of the global environment. In this regard, the quest is centered on optimizing networks, suppliers, distributors, customers, competitors, and government agencies involved in delivering a specific product or service through competition and collaboration. Furthermore, it emphasizes intelligent data, with advanced systems to optimize efficiency, decision-making, and real-time interconnection, leading to a more effective and adaptive operation in Neo-management. But are organizations in Latin America prepared for this in terms of training profile and infrastructure? Therefore, the general objective was to analyze Neo-Management and intelligent business ecosystems. Framed in a paradigmatic complementarity, the research type was descriptive, documentary-bibliographical with a mixed approach by using quantitative data and phenomenological-hermeneutic methods. Among the relevant results obtained, the trend is that transformation and the way businesses are conducted are sought by a few to achieve more competitive and sustainable results. It is concluded that companies must reorganize with this neo-managerial philosophy towards achieving organizational networks or alliances, collaborative and competitive scenarios, creating advantages and greater value, as well as promoting the importance nowadays of intelligent business ecosystems based on innovation, entrepreneurial strategies, and transfers for competitiveness.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Strategic marketing for commercial management in online stores 2024-05-31T15:14:55+00:00 Ángel González Marín <p>In an increasingly digitized world, strategic marketing for commercial management in online stores has become essential for business success. From optimizing user experience to implementing branding and positioning strategies, these practices are crucial for standing out in a highly competitive market. With the exponential growth of global e-commerce, the adoption of strategic marketing approaches becomes an imperative necessity to reach and retain customers in the vast online world. However, the growing competition in the online space presents challenges such as identifying and retaining customers in a saturated market, optimizing user experience to increase conversions, and effectively managing the brand in an environment where interactions are predominantly virtual. Therefore, the objective was to analyze strategic marketing for commercial management in online stores. Methodologically, three aspects were followed, covering environmental elements, segmentation, as well as tactical or operational business strategies, being documentary in nature, with bibliographic design that served for the compilation of the state of the art on Commercial management in online stores has become increasingly crucial in today's business landscape, where competition is intense and customer attention is a prized asset. In this context, strategic marketing plays a fundamental role; however, a comprehensive understanding of the most effective strategies in this area is essential for success. The general objective was to thoroughly review existing literature on strategic marketing in the context of online stores, in order to identify the most effective strategies for commercial management in this digital environment. Regarding the methodology framed within a qualitative paradigm, the type was documentary, with a bibliographic design and hermeneutic method. Among the relevant results, it was possible to identify several strategic marketing strategies that have proven to be effective for commercial management in online stores. These strategies include personalization of the customer experience, the use of data analysis tools for decision-making, optimization of the e-commerce platform to improve usability and visibility in search engines, and the integration of social networks into the marketing strategy to increase interaction with customers. The importance of strategic marketing in the commercial management of online stores is concluded, emphasizing the need to adopt innovative and adaptive approaches to maintain competitiveness in this constantly evolving digital environment, which requires promoting the effective implementation of strategic marketing strategies to significantly improve the visibility, engagement, and sales of an online store, resulting in sustained growth and a competitive advantage in the digital market.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Financing Strategies for the Editorial System: A budgetary challenge for scientific journals 2024-05-31T15:14:56+00:00 Cristina Seijo <p>The general purpose of this research was to analyze the Financing Strategies of the Editorial System: a budgetary challenge for scientific journals. The theoretical foundation was based on the postulates of Aguilar (2023), Arriola (2019), Brealey and Myers (2023), Gitman (2017), Mintzberg, Brian and Voyer (2018), among others. The research was documentary type. The population was made up of national and international doctrinal texts. As a data collection technique and instrument, a documentary observation guide was used, which was applied through the analysis of theoretical-documentary documentation that clarifies the problem and gives meaning to the stated objectives. The results of the study mainly showed that the globalization process has led to the development of competitiveness models, among academic organizations, companies, corporations, among others, with the purpose of positioning them in a market or at least living, coexisting and in ultimately survive the competition. In this context, the importance of incorporating technological advances and innovations that allow business objectives to be achieved, among which stand out: business growth, profit maximization or others, stands out. It is vital to implement appropriate financing strategies.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Bibliographic Review 2024-05-31T15:14:57+00:00 Elmar Aldrin Pelekais <p>Written by Efraín Ortiz Pabón in 2023, this book provides an approach to ecosystems focusing on business, innovation, entrepreneurship and the digital field. It shows the path taken by the concept until its incursion into the organizational field, a disciplinary space where it has gained a high level of development in recent years.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Rules and requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal 2024-05-31T15:14:57+00:00 Editors 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM Evaluation Form 2024-05-31T15:14:57+00:00 Editors 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVISTA CIENTIFICA GLOBAL NEGOTIUM