Higher education, development and society: Challenges in globalization

  • Gloria Amparo Deossa Q Universidad Metropolitana de Panamá
  • Rene Aguirre Bracho Florida Global University
Keywords: Globalization, Higher Education Institutions, Quality, Social Responsibility, Challenges


This article addresses the problem of education in Latin America and the Caribbean, emphasizing the difficulties and challenges that face higher education in the region in the era of globalization. It starts with a brief diagnosis of the situation, then they are presented the demands of the globalized world to university institutions in current times, and what is the condition of the region on these aspects. Finally, the conclusion is given considering education as a liberating instrument since its function must be to allow individuals to develop their potentials in order to permit their contribution to the construction of a more fair and equitable society, despite of the economistic and mercantilist demands that prevail today.

Author Biography

Gloria Amparo Deossa Q, Universidad Metropolitana de Panamá

Licenciada en lengua castellana y literatura de la Universidad de Antioquia, especialista en metodologías de la investigación en ciencias humanas, de la misma institución. Magister en hermenéutica de la literatura de la Universidad EAFIT. Candidata a título de doctor en ciencias de la educación Universidad Metropolitana de Panamá (UMECIT). Labora como docente de lengua castellana en la educación básica y media en la institución educativa Lorenza Villegas de Santos del sector oficial (municipio de Medellín Colombia).
