Trafficking in persons for sexual use in Venezuela

  • Rainier José Rivero Colina Universidad Yacambú
  • Joel José Piña Universidad Yacambú
Keywords: Human trafficking, Sexual exploitation, Social vulnerability


The purpose of this work is to analyze human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Venezuela. The research is immersed in a postpositivist approach, following the guidelines of the qualitative paradigm, in the same way; it is of a socio-legal documentary type, with a bibliographic design. Emphasizing its preminence with contributions from an interpretive and multi-method paradigm. The documentary universe is made up of 47 documents. The work developed begins with the choice of the topic, carrying out a bibliographic collection, and then the data collected from the theoretical references are recorded in hemerographic and bibliographic files, to have them available and locate them in a timely manner. Then all the data are systematized, in order to carry out the content analysis. In this sense, the findings make it clear that the socioeconomic situation has led a considerable number of people to leave the country through different routes and to various countries, this fact leverages the strengthening of criminal activity, because traffickers take advantage of this scenario to penetrate with their manipulative strategies, those sectors with the greatest vulnerability. Similarly, there is no doubt that sexual exploitation, a product of human trafficking, has infiltrated Venezuelan society at all levels, further deteriorating the quality of life of the population. It is also evident that the country has been strengthening its legal framework to combat human trafficking, even though it still does not have a specific instrument that groups and regulates criminal activity in a particular way. However, all the actions carried out have not achieved the goal of eradicating or at least minimizing this terrible scourge.
