School management of strategic leadership: Diagnosis of a Mexican elementary school

  • Rigoberto Rodríguez Bueno Escuela de Postgrados
Keywords: School management, Strategic leadership, decision making, collaboration, design thinking


This article gives an account of the diagnosis made to a Mexican elementary school, which is experiencing difficulties due to the absence of strategic leadership and a democratic culture, which hinders the generation of a shared vision between the principal and teachers, preventing decision-making based on dialogue. In addition to creating a sense of purpose for the organization, understanding and promoting change, as well as strengthening relationships among its members. Performing the analysis from speeches generated by the research subjects during a dialogue through the design thinking approach, which allows opening possibilities for the group in their organizational development. In this sense, the purpose of the work was focused on analyzing through a diagnosis the school management of the strategic leadership of a Mexican elementary school. From the perspective of a feasible project, using a sample made up of the director, an advisor and six teachers. On the other hand, due to the contingency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible to carry out the activity through a face-to-face session, which is why it was deployed online, through the Zoom application.

Keywords: School management, Strategic leadership, decision making, collaboration, design thinking.
