The social and biological dimension that influences the constitution of non-operational behaviors in children and adolescents

  • Martha Elena Roa R. GRUPLINED de Fundetec
  • Cira de Pelekais Florida Global University
  • Guido Rodríguez S. Fundación de Educación Superior San José
Keywords: Social dimension, Biological dimension, Non-operative behaviors, Childhood, Adolescencia


The purpose of this article is to analyze the social and biological dimension that influences the constitution of non-operative behaviors in childhood and adolescence. Considering that one of the dilemmas present in the cases of juvenile offenders, specifically in relation to crimes of homicide, is related to the factors causing this type of non-operative behavior in people who are in their stages of development, both psycho-biological and socio-cultural dimensions, which is why reflections are exposed from some notions of complexity, processes inherent to the brain, psychosocial and socio-cultural factors, which influence the cases mentioned. Methodologically, the hermeneutical approach to texts has been worked, executing through an exhaustive search of secondary sources and an interview with a professional in psychology, an expert in this type of case. The main results found emphasize how in the cases of minor offenders, it is a tendency that environmental, socio-cultural factors, in which dysfunctional families are found, determine the psychological part and the development of the brain, hence this loop brain, mind, culture, are located in an interdependent and inseparable way in the situations interpreted in this inquiry.
