Learning of history from the approach of everyday life through the preparation of a book in primary education

  • Edgar Rivera Escuela De Postgrados
Keywords: Daily life, Education, Construction, Learning, History, Values


The article aims to present the results of an educational research carried out during several school cycles in Primary Education, in different municipalities of the state of Nayarit. The method applied to develop it was logical historical analysis; after having reviewed the educational process that students have had, after graduating from elementary school, and with the experience of having written two books in fifth grade. It is in the presence of an investigation of a historical nature. The objective is not only to describe how said educational process has behaved, but the current situations in which the students are and the various conditions that have influenced the fulfillment of this stage. In the same way, the behavior of the students is examined, with formal instruments supported by the experience of their parents, in order to corroborate said progress, in addition to their current secondary school teachers. These instruments were applied digitally so as not to contribute to the spread of the Sars-CoV 2 virus (COVID-19) pandemic.
