Reflections of the concept of Identity in the department of Boyacá: A pedagogical investigation from the countryside to the city

  • Adrián Jaime Herrera Fundetec-GRUPLINED
Keywords: Identity, Childhood, Living, Philosophy and pedagogy


The question about identity manifests the main pillar of political and historical studies of a society, for this reason this work focused on the problematization and search for the concept of identity in a population of children from the municipalities of Samacá and Tunja of the department of Boyacá and the repercussions that this concept has on their personal and collective training. Carrying out a philosophical approach, starting from the notions of Martin Heidegger and Michel Foucault, as well as the current regulations that govern educational institutions in Colombia and analyzing the antecedents of the works of Suarez Vaca and Pulido Cortés; An analysis of the concept of Identity was carried out in spaces of divergence –relation between rural and urban areas–, evidencing the significant processes in educational practices in classroom experiences with young people from these communities. In this sense, the research carried out a theoretical study methodology comparing it with the experiences gathered from surveys and the results of significant classroom practices in teaching in the last two years. The work therefore shows an evident difference in the formation of a concept of Identity immediately linked to the particular conditions of the specific context.

Keywords: Identity, Childhood, Living, Philosophy and pedagogy.
