Bibliographic Review

Book "Culture and sustainable development. Contributions to the debate on the cultural dimension of the 2030 Agenda"

  • Elmar Aldrin Pelekais Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
Keywords: Culture, Development and sustainability


The bibliographic work is developed in ten chapters, where aspects such as: Culture and sustainable development are dealt with. Why don't the sustainable development goals incorporate culture? Integrating the 2030 Agenda in the cultural and creative sector. Culture, development and sustainability. Basis for reflection. Assessing Cultural Vitality (and Sustainability): Some Questions for Discussion. Museums in action: Sustainability in ways and means. University for a global citizenship: Cultural heritage and human development. Narrative and the creation of ecological imaginaries. Museums for sustainability. And finally, they present the synthesis document of the culture and sustainable development group: What do we understand by sustainability in culture or cultural sustainability.

Reseña Bibliográfica