Theories about procrastination and its incidence in the educational field

  • Jorge Alejandro Suárez Sarmiento
Keywords: Main theories, Procrastination, Management, Educational


The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the main theories on procrastination and its incidence in the educational field, taking into account that at present, society faces multiple challenges and obstacles to guarantee the continuity of educational activities, which they constitute the very reason for the existence of the university faculty. Therefore, it is vital to study this innovative topic in depth, which stands as one of the phenomena that is negatively affecting the different academic programs of today, in an attempt to identify the characteristics associated with procrastinating behavior. To achieve this objective, a documentary research was carried out, materialized through the approach of previous studies on this concept, including the analysis of psychodynamic, motivational, behavioral and cognitive models, as well as the theory of social representations, with their main elements and functions, ending with the analysis of the theory of cognitive structural modifiability, all of them aimed at elucidating the conditions associated with this phenomenon. After this tour, the results obtained were analyzed, which were directly related to the characteristic behavior of students who perform their homework at the last minute, and even in some cases do not achieve timely delivery, which is determined within the theories explored. The final reflections ratified the coexistence of the phenomenon of procrastination in the university environment, being an element of great interest that deserves a permanent study, both to understand the multiple aspects associated with it, which in turn allows the definition of the necessary strategies to its mitigation within the educational process.

Keyword: Main theories, Procrastination, Management, Educational

Author Biography

Jorge Alejandro Suárez Sarmiento

Docente Universitario
