Incidence of learning styles in teaching strategies in the Enrique Olaya Herrera Educational Institution

  • Carlos Mario Puello Avilez UMECIT
Keywords: Learning styles, Teaching strategies, Knowledge, Learning processes, Significant learning


The research entitled: "Incidence of learning styles in teaching strategies in the Enrique Olaya Herrera Educational Institution", arises from the intention of contributing from the teaching practice, elements for the teaching strategy to enhance meaningful learning in students of schools of public education, in which context traditional and generic models are taught without considering the particular learning styles of the students, therefore their particularities, abilities and preferential emphasis are not attended from the ways of learning and interacting with the knowledge. In order to comply with the objective outlined in the research, which is: Analyze the incidence of learning styles in the teaching strategies implemented by teachers of the 10th grade of the Enrique Olaya Herrera Educational Institution, an investigation is used under the positivist approach, quantitative paradigm, through which the auditory and kinesthetic styles, are recognized as predominant styles in the group with an equal emphasis on the pragmatic, reflective, teachers manifest a preponderance in the application of pre-instructional strategies considering relevant aspects of the student such as they are the student, the environment as well as the didactics of the subject; proposing strategies for the different types of styles to be developed as pilot strategies in a period of 6 months and self-assessed by the students themselves.
