Towards South-South university cooperation: The case of Chile and Morocco

  • Abdelhak Hiri Instituto Superior Internacional de Turismo de Tanger
Keywords: Cooperation, South-South, University, Morocco, Chile


Traditionally, Latin American and African universities have cooperated in an asymmetric way, with a North-South focus. However, this article analyzes South-South university cooperation between the International Higher Institute of Tourism in Tangier (ISITT) and the Santo Tomás University of Chile (UST). The main purpose of this study is to examine how this collaboration, based on horizontality, rationality, and shared responsibility, has allowed the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the field of higher education. To carry out this case study, interviews were conducted with the responsible parties of both institutions, documents were reviewed, and the benefits obtained through this collaboration were analyzed. The results show that this cooperation has been successful and has contributed to the development and internationalization of higher education in both regions. Ultimately, this work highlights the importance of strengthening alliances between African and Latin American institutions to promote sustainable development in both regions.
