Persuasive communication techniques: strategic management tool for strengthening corporate identity

  • Mary Madueño Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín
  • Cristina Seijo Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Persuasive communication, Persuasive communication techniques, Strategic management, Corporate identity


The present study analyzes persuasive communication techniques as a strategic management tool to strengthen corporate identity. Starting from principles of social psychology and argumentation theory, a systematic review of research by Ibero-American authors published in digital journals between the years 2012-2024 is carried out, selecting 30 studies that met the selection criteria, such as scientific rigor and extensive theoretical references on persuasive communication, persuasive communication techniques and corporate image. Through authors such as Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2023), Hollander (2013), Lario (2019), López (2018), Orozco (2018), Pelekais, Seijo, Neuman and Tromp (2014), Spell, Gallego, Molleda , Bayliss, Álvarez and Botero (2014), among others, a descriptive, non-experimental study was developed through documentary analysis. The analysis was carried out in three phases, the first defining the selection of the investigations, the second, systematizing the corpus taking into account the areas of application of the investigations and the third, carrying out a unidimensional descriptive statistical analysis, which made it possible to relate the contributions of these studies -according to their scope of application- to the units of analysis of the research. The results indicated that for a decade, even though the studies carried out in the field of persuasive communication are numerous, its scope and basic components have been investigated in areas that limit its depth, which shows an epistemic void that conditions the perspectives under which this research was propos.

Keywords: Persuasive
