Metodology strategy for the development of preoperational thinking in the teaching of oral and written comprehension and expression in pre-school children

  • Norma Elizabeth Contento Minga Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Floralba del Rocío Aguilar Gordón Universidad Politécnica Salesiana


The research addresses the design of methodological strategies for developing preoperational thinking within the scope of oral and written comprehension and expression. The central aim of the study is to propose guidelines for improving the oral and written expression of high school students at Carlos Terán Zenteno School (Ecuador). The investigation follows a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative data. Data production is based on a diagnostic assessment of students, classroom observation, a survey of students' representatives, and interviews with teachers with experience in this educational level. The results show that students do not achieve the performance standards outlined in the curriculum and are at an initial development stage, particularly struggling with their immersion in the literate world. However, the study also highlights the creation of learning environments (learning corners), as well as the use of various techniques, resources, and materials to design playful activities. The research proposes four methodological strategies that combine learning corners with games, ensuring that resources, materials, and techniques allow students to engage their senses, strengthen their skills, and improve their oral and written comprehension and expression. These strategies must be context-centered, based on an accurate diagnostic evaluation during the early school stages, take into account the socio-pedagogical characteristics of the children, and be flexible enough to create, recreate, and adapt learning environments.
