Incidence of strategic management in the organizational climate of the University of Córdoba

  • Juan S. Mestra V UMECIT. Panamá
Keywords: Strategic management, Organizational climate, Risk factors, Organizational behavior


Strategic management is a style of administration conducive to the efficiency of integral management systems; its impact on the organizational climate of educational institutions will allow to characterize perceptions and behaviors to define strategies aimed at satisfying needs in competitive environments. The purpose of this research was to analyze the impact that strategic management has on the organizational climate in the Faculty of Health Sciences, in order to design an action plan for the improvement of the institutional climate. The research carried out is of a quantitative nature, a hypothetical deductive method was used. Of descriptive type with non-experimental design and cross section. His sample was constituted by 84 officials assigned to the academic programs in the chosen faculty of the University of Córdoba. The technique used was the survey, to collect information a 46-item questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument, with Likert-type scale selection. The instrument was validated by expert judgment; it was also subjected to the Alfa Cronbach test to assess its reliability (0.872). For the correlation, the Spearman coefficient was chosen, obtaining a value of 0.352, which shows an average and statistically significant relationship between the variables under investigation. It is concluded that there is a positive correlation between the strategic management and the organizational climate in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Likewise, it is also worth noting that correlation relations are considerable (R = 0.506) and positive average (R = 0.404) between the external and internal success factors compared to the organizational climate; as well as, the existence of a considerable positive direct relationship (R = 0.505) between external success factors and organizational behavior.
