Vision of peace in the Colombian Constitutional State

  • Paola Margarita Carvajal Muñoz Universidad Simón Bolívar - Colombia
  • Mireya Pérez Núñez Universidad de la Costa CUC - Colombia
  • Jessica Marisol Vera Carrera Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Monterrey- México
Keywords: constitutional state, constitutional court, peace, culture, justice


This paper aims to analyze how the vision of peace in the constitutional state of Colombia is gestated, from the perspective of the constitutional court, as the maximum organ of closure, which arrogates the interpretative function of fundamental rights, valuing the constitutional principles that underlie the constitution. In this sense, the right to peace has been enriched from the axiological and interpretative, which allows the realization of rights and the relevant legal conditions for resolving the conflict by means not violent, as a corollary has been this corporation in charge of reviewing and exercising control of the decrees, laws and legislative acts in relation to the peace process. It cannot be ignored that Colombian society has been exposed to violent structures, therefore, the conditions of negotiation can generate a perception of distrust and impunity, for this, it is necessary to initiate processes of socialization of alternative means of conflict resolution, through the systematic exercise of dialogue, consensus and cooperation; in order for these to permeate the culture and break the paradigms of violence. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, resorting to studies that contextualize the concept of peace as a human right, then go to the decisions of the constitutional court from its argumentative and reflexive function; As a corollary, the most significant aspects are identified in a state that is actually forging a political, legal and social path of transition towards peace.

Author Biography

Paola Margarita Carvajal Muñoz, Universidad Simón Bolívar - Colombia

Abogada, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia., Magister en Ciencia Política y Derecho Público, Universidad de Zulia Venezuela, Doctorante en Métodos alternos de solución de conflictos. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Monterrey- México.  Coordinadora. Programa de Derecho sede Sabanalarga de la Universidad de la Costa. Departamento de Derecho. Profesora en el área de derecho público
