Human organization and coach competencies in management: Two formulas to achieve a better use of staff capabilities

  • Ana Lugo Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
  • Cristina Seijo Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Human organization, Shared values, Daily chores


The objective of this study is to promote an analysis in relation to the human organization and the Coach's competencies in management: two formulas to achieve a better use of the personnel's capacities, taking into consideration theories that support it, such as the different conceptualizations, supported by the contents of Pereira (2010), Cáceres and Castaño (2013), Goleman (2012), Vílchez and Glaser (2016), Cavallé (2012), Lázaro and Lázaro (2015), Ramos, Linares, Martínez (2015), Sandín, Chorot and Valiente (2016), Contreras and Barbosa (2013), among others, developed under an interpretive approach of a descriptive type and non-experimental design through document analysis. For the purposes of this research, value is understood as the set of beliefs that an organization has about its daily work, as well as how organizations exercise their social responsibility when they pay attention to the expectations of different interest groups. In relation to the final considerations, they will point out a broader knowledge regarding the human organization: a community of people united by shared values.
