Generalities of the certified tests in the english language in higher education

  • Suri Hiatis Palacios Barrios Universidad de Panamá
Keywords: Certified tests, English language, Higher education


The central objective of this work is to validate a design to assess the level of English language learning as an academic requirement for students at the higher education level. In the same way, a brief review is presented on the fundamental aspects of the validation of certified tests, the measurement in levels of language sufficiency, analysis of the phases for the comparison of standardized tests and the strategic conformation to learn foreign languages. The fundamentals for the revision of the tool and the certification for the different universities are shown. This instrument is a required exam to obtain a bachelor's or technical degree. Finally, a review of the programs was made, where it is identified that it presents some difficulties associated with the infrequent use of the terms and concepts expressed in the questions, which are not of the daily use of the students.
