Epistemology, complexity and System: A Look at Uncertainty in Technological Contexts

  • José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez Universidad del Alba
  • Pedro Severino-González Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Jesús Enrique Caldera Ynfante Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Reynier Ysrael Ramírez-Molina Universidad de la Costa
Keywords: Complexity of the real, Complex Epistemology, Complex Systems, Scientific Research, Interpretive Systemology


This paper presents some reflections on the relationship between complexity and system in its relationship with scientific activity. The logic of complexity is presented as argument to explain reality from the integrative perspective of the parts that constitute the whole, from the field of research with explanatory intention. It is argued with Hawking (2022), Martínez (2016), Morin (2005), among others, that the world of science is presented in such a way that some confusions are appreciated between the idea of paradigm and the enunciation of the epistemological postulates from where the complex and systemic reality is reconstructed. The ordering of this, from the complex and systemic frameworks, can serve as an argument to understand from the idea of interpretative systemology, considered from the complex and systemic position, the reality itself for knowledge and new science. It is concluded that complex epistemology in scientific research can offer perspectives consonant with the new concepts of science.
