Pedagogical transformation of traditional educational plans to skills training in Colombian Higher Education Institutions

  • Mónica Cecilia Alzate De León
  • Lina María Otálvaro Rincón UMECIT. Panamá
  • Cira de Pelekais Florida Global University
Keywords: Administrative model, Pedagogical transformation, Educational plans, Skills


This work was oriented in carrying out an analysis of the transformation of traditional educational plans to the training focused on competencies in Higher Education Institutions in Colombia. Under a postpositivist approach, qualitative paradigm, the methodology used is participatory observation; the population was made up of 56 key informants, including teachers, students, managers, administrative and graduates from 18 higher education institutions. As an observation technique, the instrument is a semi-structured interview form with 17 reagents, with a closed response, which was applied via the web and in person. Evidence that traditional education is predominant in higher education institutions in Colombia, both administratively and academically. Educational planning is focused on the administration of time and resources. Its management is detached from the productive sector; since there are no cooperation agreements that permanently relate them.
