Sustainable marketing: Praxeological routes to success in university organizations

  • Eric Espinosa Fernández Universidad de Panamá
  • Maricarmen Soto Ortigoza Universidad del Caribe
Keywords: Sustainable Marketing, Praxeology, University organizations


When it comes to management in a specialty such as marketing, sustainability is inevitable today. In this context, sustainable marketing deserves a field of action that encompasses abilities, attitudes and skills in the administrative field that today must be intertwined with some praxeological elements such as the management of decisions favorable to the environment, the person as the center, and the economic self-management. In this sense, a general objective was established to analyze the sustainable marketing: Praxeological routes for success in university organizations. The methodology was supported by a complementary paradigm, with a mixed approach, a type of research of a descriptive, exploratory, non-experimental field nature with hard data and at the same time a hermeneutic process that impregnated interpretative support to the praxeological edge from Bédard's philosophical perspective to the sustainable marketing variable that made a better analysis amalgamate. Among the results obtained, the orientation was analyzed from two characteristics of sustainable marketing, clean production and eco-efficiency, in addition, the praxeological route that gives philosophical support to the variable under study was deepened. It concludes with data that reflects the importance of rethinking the current management of the organization under study to promote sustainable marketing from the philosophical edge that gives strength and ethical values and impulse from good, creation, management and tools for success.
