Neuromarketing as a competitive strategy for PYMES

  • Elmar Aldrin Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Cira de Pelekais Florida Global University
Keywords: Neuromarketing, Competitive strategy, PYMES


The purpose of this work is oriented to examine neuromarketing as a competitive strategy for PYMES. To this end, a qualitative research, documentary type and bibliographic design is developed. Proceeding to the review of the sources of information, which are made up of 38 documents related to the categories analyzed. Being used the bibliographic collection, in addition to the techniques of documentary observation and content analysis for data collection. The findings reflect that the various authors examined, agree from their respective perspectives, in some statements regarding neuromarketing, specifically in relation to the application in the field of knowledge to the different concepts incorporated into the context of PYMES, as well as to the reactions against the stimuli that are exposed by consumers, in addition to the way in which the messages are transmitted. In conclusion, it is necessary to recognize that neuromarketing has come to be perpetrated globally, not only in PYMES, but in any space where it is essential to execute or put into practice a certain marketing strategy, because being a tool that studies, It also analyzes human behavior, offers a wide possibility of guaranteeing that users or consumers choose a particular brand or service, maintaining their fidelity to it over time, as long as the conditions that led them to take it continue to be used such decision.
