Characterization of the forms of care for students in times of pandemics, by educational and professional counselors

  • Marcelina Caceres Alabarca Universidad de Panamá
Keywords: Educational guidance, Social networks, Platforms, Traditional technology


The objective of this article is to characterize the forms of individual and group attention used by the educational and professional counselor in times of pandemic to students of the middle and middle level of Panamanian education. The methodology was quantitative, since a survey was applied to Guidance Teachers from various educational regions of the country; it was built at the time by the researcher and covered the following dimensions: educational degrees attended, social networks and platforms used, methods and traditional topics or content used and the academic performance commission. The most outstanding results are focused on the fact that the ninth grades were the most attended by the counselors, the social network with the highest use WhatsApp, the most used platform Teams, the traditional technology that they used the most was the telephone and the non-existence of the commission of academic performance in some schools in this time of health crisis.
